Cultural Presentations for Wellness
Presentations for Culture or Wellness
STORY PERFORMANCES - using the mediums of story telling, theater, performance, audience participation, and sometimes, theater of the oppressed, we help make history, culture and wellness come alive.
Favorites include: Everything that Has Life Has Breath
" The Breath Has Power"
Favorites include: Everything that Has Life Has Breath
" The Breath Has Power"
BREATH, SOUND and RELAXATION EXPERIENCES – combined presentations with “tune-up”, relaxation music for various vibrational experiences. Excellent for meetings, conferences, contemplation, grounding or any gathering where ambient background or sacred sound music will calm and soothe. Guided breath, sound with visualizations/activations is another experience, we offer to encourage shifts toward peace, higher consciousness, empowerment and racial/diversity/gender healing. Experiences can include: relearn how to breathe, de-stress breath or Transcendence Breathwork for a dynamic, transformative experience when customized for this experience.