Breathe Along With Me
Sea Breeze (Tune Up Music Download)
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Cash App: $AyoHandyKendi
Zelle: Rosa E. Clary
PayPal: [email protected]
The Video gives the benefits of efficient deep breathing and it's importance
Controlling our breath is the easiest change we can make for the greatest impact on our spirit, mind and body.
Better breathing will slow down the stress response which will further turn on the bodies best cellular "uptake" for best health, immunity and wellness prevention.
Better breathing will slow down the stress response which will further turn on the bodies best cellular "uptake" for best health, immunity and wellness prevention.
In Optimum Life Breathology (O.L.B.) training, we start off at the foundation, the basics. "Relearn How to Breathe' is Sekou Ayo's signature work created in 1998.
Today, we still asks, "what if you found the perfect, natural solution, that's always available, easily accessible 24/7, critically impactful and is Free to use wouldn't you want to know more about it?"
She did and the knowledge of "deep breathing" changed her life, and she has been blessed to share this awareness to millions of others.
BREATHE ALONG WITH ME. Practice with the videos. Breathing support 24/7. Come back often.
The video below can be used to check your breathing pattern and alter it for more effective breathing and best health. Not the best audio, but you WILL get the message.
"Relearn How to Breathe tm"
A Signature Training of Sekou Ayo Handy-Kendi
A Signature Training of Sekou Ayo Handy-Kendi
The Optimum Life Breathology (O.L.B.) foundation and Sekou Ayo's signature training. Don't you want to optimize each breath to optimize your life? Here we encourage you to "Breathe Along with Me" for an 11 minute Experience.
Only have a minute? Experience One Minute Breath Breaks to Breathe Along with Me.
Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is the easiest thing we can do to maximize our life, health, work and longevity. We breathe 20,000 times a day., so learn Deep Breathing , aka Belly Breath or Diaphragmatic Breathing, the foundation of O.L.B and Sekou Ayo signature training to breathe better, to live better. Excellent to support 60 or more stress-related and oxygen deprivation dis-orders as your change your breath, to change your life
Deep breathing is the easiest thing we can do to maximize our life, health, work and longevity. We breathe 20,000 times a day., so learn Deep Breathing , aka Belly Breath or Diaphragmatic Breathing, the foundation of O.L.B and Sekou Ayo signature training to breathe better, to live better. Excellent to support 60 or more stress-related and oxygen deprivation dis-orders as your change your breath, to change your life
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Excellent for calming the mind, balancing right and left brain hemispheres for more balanced life, great for anxiety, panic attacks, stress and more. |
De-stress Breath
To manage daily and chronic stress, re-set the vagus nerve, great intervention for anger, stress and habit management, ideal for conflict resolution |
Fire Breath
A stimulating breath technique to heat up the body, detox, increase energy and wake up the Kundalini |
Rolling Breath
Can't sleep or stay asleep? Try this lay while sitting up in bed and be ready to snuggle in. |
Breathing and Stress
In this video, Sekou Ayo asks the question
"Are You Stressed?"
"Are You Stressed?"
Experience Transcendence Breathwork which combines various techniques that allow us to "Carthart", Sekou Ayo's term defined as "dramatically letting go in order to breathe then relax" as practiced in Optimum Life Breathology, (O.L.B.) . She encourages you to allow your emotions, feelings, pain and anger to flow instead of suppress them. Suppressed energy that does not move becomes stagnant. Stagnant, blocked energy becomes tension, and chronic tension becomes dis-ease . This session shared as a Space to Breathe organized by Sister Tomeko.
Experience Transcendence Breathwork which combines various techniques that allow us to "Carthart", Sekou Ayo's term defined as "dramatically letting go in order to breathe then relax" as practiced in Optimum Life Breathology, (O.L.B.) . She encourages you to allow your emotions, feelings, pain and anger to flow instead of suppress them. Suppressed energy that does not move becomes stagnant. Stagnant, blocked energy becomes tension, and chronic tension becomes dis-ease . This session shared as a Space to Breathe organized by Sister Tomeko.
Laughter enables us to Breathe Deeply, Fully and Consciously. Breathe Along with Me in this Laughter Yoga session at Pathways Magazine... More Laughter Yoga videos at this link,
Laughter Yoga Basics Below
Laughter Yoga Basics Below
Of course we’re all breathing, right? Unfortunately, volumes of medical research documents that 90% of all Americans are not breathing efficiently and therefore putting their health at great risk.
Studies on shallow breathing have documented that it is the first place, not the last, that one should look at when fatigue, disease, stress or other evidence of disordered energy, or trauma, presents itself. (Dr. Andrew Weil, noted wholistic physician)
Of course, you say, you already know how to breathe.
You would not be alive, if you were not breathing - Right?
Yet, research has suggested that 9 of 10 American do not breathe efficiently and effectively and this puts our health at great risks. Like Snoop says, "if you're Breathing you're achieving".
However, many ARE NOT achieving because their breathing is not optimum, thus their energy levels are low, they are imbalanced, and unfocused with brain fog. Poor, ineffective breathing creates disease, stress or other evidence of disordered energy, or stored trauma,
Sekou Ayo has developed a system of checking your own breath pattern and retraining oneself to breathe an effective "belly" breath for daily, optimum living.
On average we breathe 20,000 or more times daily.
Don't You Want to Optimize Every Single Breath You Can?
P.E.W. One on One Coaching or Telehealth Virtual Sessions:
Can be BOOKED HERE. Give us 48- 72 hours for response back.
We suggest you have a compassionate partner to assist you, and must have a camera on your computer/phone for virtual sessions.
Breath comes from the same section of the Brain as our Emotions (The Limbric).
The function of Breath is to bring air in and out of our bodies.
When we breathe with the mouth closed, the NASAL passages filter air as it passes the throat (the Pharynx). Air is bought into the nostrils and expelled through the nostrils.
Air passes the Larynx (the upper end of the windpipe) and passes the TRACHEA (windpipe). is the main airway to the lungs Air passes down the trachea and fills the lungs and is forced out through the trachea.
The Trachea divides into the BRONCHI, which stems into each lung. There is a right and left lung.
As air is inhaled - drawn into the LUNGS, air sacs called ALVEOLI transfers OXYGEN into the bloodstream converting it into energy. As we exhale we remove CARBON DIOXIDE (gas not needed).
The Alveoli air sacs are encased in tiny blood vessels. With each breath, oxygen is absorbed into the BLOOD, enabling the production of energy that is the vital fuel of every body function. Carbon dioxide, the waste product, is picked up by the blood, and carried back to the lungs where it is expelled during exhalation.
The DIAGPHRAGM is the Muscle attached to the ceiling of the BELLY and to the floor of the lungs. It is used for Belly Breathing (called Abdominal, Belly or Diaphragm Breathing)
When we push the Belly out on the inhale, we expand the Diaphragm downward, expanding the lungs. When we exhale, the Diaphragm relaxes and moves up, forcing the lungs to expel the waste (TOXINS).
On a regular basis, a simple change of breathing deep within the body, from the Diaphragm instead of shallow from the Chest - optimizes each breath that we take.
According to the authoritative book, “The Science of Breath”, we breathe an average, 20,000 times a day. This means we have 20,000 times a day to increase our life, through our breath, thereby creating more energy to optimize every function about life.
OUR BREATH IS THE EASIEST THING WE CAN CHANGE FOR THE GREATEST IMPACT ON SPIRIT, MIND & BODY. PositivEnergyWorks helps people master better breathing and teaches them how to apply breathing techniques to impact their Spirit, Minds and Bodies. There is Power in the Breath to increase our
So, Relearn How to Breathe for Better Life, Health, Work & Longevity.
With all that is going on in the world today, one of the most critical tools that we can learn is better BREATHING to be better at all that we do.
Of course, we say, we all breathe, but 9 out of 10 people breathe inefficiently. An effective breath enhances the quality of life as it evolves the Spirit, Mind and Body. Effective, Deep breathing, is the most easiest thing that we can learn to make the critical difference in ways that most have never thought of:
1. Intensifies our conscious connection with the Almighty, the highest source of Hope, Joy, Peace, Inner Strength and Power
2. Ability to get more oxygen into our bodies from an under-oxygenated environment Oxygen is the source of life.
3. Increases the capacity of every function in our physical bodies;
4. Clears the stress hormones that fog our minds, breaks down our immune system, ages us, adds weight and is at the root of ill-health;
5. Increase of energy, peak performance and stamina in a world that demands a lot from us
6. Ability to better filter polluted air;
7. Survival technique to combat shock, trauma, fear by calming our nervous system
8. Provides us with the first food of the cells, that we must have to sustain life. We can live without water for 21 or more days; without food for 48 or more days; but without breathing that brings in the vital oxygen meal, we live not much longer than 6- 8 minute
9. Breathing 20,000 times a day in a more efficient way, aides us in not getting sick thus supporting preventive wellness,
And much, much MORE. Oxygen is Life. There is “power in the Breath” to increase our Oxygen to create more “PositivEnergy” in our life.
Relearn How to Breathe for Better, Life, Health, Work and Longevity tm
Get “The Power of the Breath” Book,
by Ayo Handy-Kendi, founder, Optimum Life Breathology, C.O.L.B.
With all that is going on in the world today, one of the most critical tools that we can learn is better BREATHING to be better at all that we do.
Of course, we say, we all breathe, but 9 out of 10 people breathe inefficiently. An effective breath enhances the quality of life as it evolves the Spirit, Mind and Body. Effective, Deep breathing, is the most easiest thing that we can learn to make the critical difference in ways that most have never thought of:
1. Intensifies our conscious connection with the Almighty, the highest source of Hope, Joy, Peace, Inner Strength and Power
2. Ability to get more oxygen into our bodies from an under-oxygenated environment Oxygen is the source of life.
3. Increases the capacity of every function in our physical bodies;
4. Clears the stress hormones that fog our minds, breaks down our immune system, ages us, adds weight and is at the root of ill-health;
5. Increase of energy, peak performance and stamina in a world that demands a lot from us
6. Ability to better filter polluted air;
7. Survival technique to combat shock, trauma, fear by calming our nervous system
8. Provides us with the first food of the cells, that we must have to sustain life. We can live without water for 21 or more days; without food for 48 or more days; but without breathing that brings in the vital oxygen meal, we live not much longer than 6- 8 minute
9. Breathing 20,000 times a day in a more efficient way, aides us in not getting sick thus supporting preventive wellness,
And much, much MORE. Oxygen is Life. There is “power in the Breath” to increase our Oxygen to create more “PositivEnergy” in our life.
Relearn How to Breathe for Better, Life, Health, Work and Longevity tm
Get “The Power of the Breath” Book,
by Ayo Handy-Kendi, founder, Optimum Life Breathology, C.O.L.B.
Breathing and Stress
We especially encourage Laughter Yoga always, because we really need to breathe optimally always and a great way to do so is laugh to breathe. While tensions are high and we can't get too close to each other with"social distancing" guidelines, just call up your "old" best friends, and have a good laugh about old times.
If you have nothing to laugh about, FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT. Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter, smiling, humming, singing, screaming, toning, chanting...are all breath techniques. They encourage us to breathe deeper using our diaphragm.
These techniques are combined in Laughter Yoga sessions we call "it's a PlayShop" facilitated by Ayo Handy-Kendi, the Breath Sekou and Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher/Leader.
See NEW COURSES/SERVICES for up-coming "Laughter Yoga" Leader Certification on-line".
Laughing Tips For Beginners
4 Scientific Reasons to Laugh More
Everyone enjoys a good laugh. But, did you know that it is actually good for you? A little laughter on a regular basis can go a long way towards improving your life. Here are 4 scientifically backed reasons to lighten up and squeeze out a few giggles more often.
Boost emotional health. Laughter releases the feel-good hormones dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These little guys work to improve your moods, enhance your experiences, and even reduce stress and pain. Nothing salvages a bad day like the feeling of hearty laughter. Even better, it’s contagious — so your laughter can help brighten up your friends’ days as well as your own!
Appear more attractive. Catching someone’s eye may be as simple as offering their jokes a light chuckle. That’s right, laughing can actually make you more attractive to others. According to research, women tend to prefer a man with a sense of humor, while men prefer women who laugh at their wit. Laughter is also important in general social situations, as it promotes person-to-person bonding. Undeniably, a wild smile is the most becoming accessory for any face.
Reduce stress. Laughter truly is the best medicine. If you can view your problems through the colorful lens of humor, you’ll be a much happier person. The simple act of chortling is responsible for lowering stress hormones and soothing tension throughout the body. Since chronic stress can be detrimental to your health, laughing also hugely benefits your immune system. It’s a preventative medicine for almost every ailment!
Improve respiratory health. Laughing flushes your lungs with fresh air, increases heart rate, and helps you to breathe more deeply. It helps to stretch the lungs and reinvigorate your entire body. Laughter is a welcome splash of cool, rejuvenating water for your respiratory system.
Laughter is thought to be older than language. Even animals do it. It is one of the most natural and beneficial things you can do for your body and mind. So go ahead, hang out with old friends, watch your favorite sitcoms on Netflix, or dance around to funny songs! Laughter spices up life and is one of your best defenses against the February blues.
Read more:
- Make a choice to laugh and make a decision to be playful and to have fun.
- Make it easy – do not try hard. Show up every day.
- Laughing helps you breathe more.
- Leave your “serious mind” behind and bring a happy face with you.
- Do not over-think….you will have 23+ hours to think more
- Allow it – laughter is inside of us. It is our true nature.
- Smile
- Relax and let go
- Take yourself lightly – laugh at yourself.
- Challenge your thoughts and beliefs: If you think: “I do not know how to laugh”, “I need to have a reason”, “I have to feel good” etc.
- Do not multi-task.
- Open your mouth wide, keep your chin up, stick your tongue out.
- Experiment with position – sit, jump & shake, lie down on your back, laugh with closed eyes.
- Experiment with different laughs – high pitch laugh, low pitch laugh.
- Echo someone’s laughter.
- SILLY is OK… it is perfectly OK and freeing to make funny sounds, funny noises, singing, talking in Gibberish and laughing out loud….children do it all the time.
- Enjoy the present moment and opportunity to laugh with others.
- If you still do not feel like laughing- laugh gently anyway.
- Trust the playful child inside of you – she/he will take you all the way to your blissful playground.
- Come back for more and bring your friends and family members —“Laughter is the best medicine”.
- Laughter is the shortest distance between people
- Laughter is an instant vacation.
- Spread Smiles and Laughter wherever you go.
- Live life laughing! Follow your bliss! Share all that you are! Be the change you want to see in the world!
4 Scientific Reasons to Laugh More
Everyone enjoys a good laugh. But, did you know that it is actually good for you? A little laughter on a regular basis can go a long way towards improving your life. Here are 4 scientifically backed reasons to lighten up and squeeze out a few giggles more often.
Boost emotional health. Laughter releases the feel-good hormones dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These little guys work to improve your moods, enhance your experiences, and even reduce stress and pain. Nothing salvages a bad day like the feeling of hearty laughter. Even better, it’s contagious — so your laughter can help brighten up your friends’ days as well as your own!
Appear more attractive. Catching someone’s eye may be as simple as offering their jokes a light chuckle. That’s right, laughing can actually make you more attractive to others. According to research, women tend to prefer a man with a sense of humor, while men prefer women who laugh at their wit. Laughter is also important in general social situations, as it promotes person-to-person bonding. Undeniably, a wild smile is the most becoming accessory for any face.
Reduce stress. Laughter truly is the best medicine. If you can view your problems through the colorful lens of humor, you’ll be a much happier person. The simple act of chortling is responsible for lowering stress hormones and soothing tension throughout the body. Since chronic stress can be detrimental to your health, laughing also hugely benefits your immune system. It’s a preventative medicine for almost every ailment!
Improve respiratory health. Laughing flushes your lungs with fresh air, increases heart rate, and helps you to breathe more deeply. It helps to stretch the lungs and reinvigorate your entire body. Laughter is a welcome splash of cool, rejuvenating water for your respiratory system.
Laughter is thought to be older than language. Even animals do it. It is one of the most natural and beneficial things you can do for your body and mind. So go ahead, hang out with old friends, watch your favorite sitcoms on Netflix, or dance around to funny songs! Laughter spices up life and is one of your best defenses against the February blues.
Read more:
Transcendence Breathwork m Helps YOU Breathe Thru Stress/Trauma/Shift the Sub-conscious Mind
Transcendence Breathwork m Helps YOU Breathe Thru Stress/Trauma/Shift the Sub-conscious Mind
By Ayo Handy-Kendi, the Breath Sekou, CB, CTF, CLYT/CLYL
In order to change our perspectives, change our behaviors, habits, and stored memories of pain and trauma, we suggest a Transcendence Breathwork Session.
Trauma - long-held in the memory banks of our mind, makes us physically stressed, then sick and depressed. We hold our breath from the traumatic fear and pain limiting our breath, our very life-force of critical oxygen. We suffer more than 60 or more stress-related cellular malfunctions.
Trauma is the symptom of racism, prejudice and inequality. And they all are part of a deeper system that divides the halves from the half-nots. This division goes across color lines and regional boundaries.
I work with a modality called Breathology and I.m. the founder of Optimum Life Breathology- the art and science of breath awareness, breath mechanics, and effective breath techniques that impact Spirit, Mind and Body. It helped me heal from my long-held trauma of childhood verbal, emotional and sexual abuse. I have studied the breath now for over 40 years and have facilitated this tool to help millions on radio, t.v., print and on stage. I have also worked as a community organizer and social service professional for close to that same number of years
The "Breath" changed my "lens" as a survivor of abuse, then addiction, domestic violence, the violent death of my teen-age son, and ill-health related, early deaths of my first husband -a veteran of Vietnam, his mother and father - all within a month apart from each other and ultimately homelessness from my home being stolen from greedy real-estate grabbers during probate proceedings.
From such experiences, I walk my talk as I truly know stress, trauma and systematic inequality. We have to clear the cellular memory of such trauma, so that the subconscious mind does not sabotage our conscious mind that initiates our surface actions.
Without such clearing, we speak and act one way, but we pull ourselves in a different direction, similiar to putting on brakes at the same time of accelerating a car. We get stuck going no-where. It's beyond frustrating.
I share this explanation to you, as I am reaching out to people of high awareness who desire change to ask them to help me institutionalize my training of other Breathologist so that we can help support a critical mass of people with this life-changing system. I have been blessed to certify over 100 Breathologists in 7 states, and this summer intend to increase this number triple fold.
I want to add another piece to the puzzle of stored trauma and this is racism and vicarious trauma, which is trauma that repeats itself when triggered by videos, stories and our own recollection.
What is happening in this country is not just what people feel now, but a pain deeper than an old scar that has never healed. Trauma, from racism, is that deep pain. It lodges in the amigalya of our brain which is the fear center and alters the brain's response to fear and charting new neuro- pathways or new behavior. It rears in our sub-conscious memory. It embraces a collective awareness across years and years, perhaps centuries. It comes to the surface of our conscious minds, in the way that we love ourselves, relate to each other, respect our communities and pursue our dreams with purpose without self-sabotage.
We can not dialogue away our issues with structural racism, as they wholistically run deep. We can, however, use the tool of the breath to change our very molecular, cellular structure to clean it up, purge it through and maintain this detoxed transformed mind now clearer to absorb new hope, peace, self-love and self-determination. We can shift the narrative, by stopping the talk that re-triggers us. It is time that we take a new approach and really change our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotions, by breathing through our "stuff", un-stuffing it and releasing it. This is my vision for a "breath movement" and a new world.
P.E.W. offers Transcendence Breathwork for individuals, and small groups over the Internet, and it is the foundation for our course, Breath Circles to Heal the Divides.
By Ayo Handy-Kendi, the Breath Sekou, CB, CTF, CLYT/CLYL
In order to change our perspectives, change our behaviors, habits, and stored memories of pain and trauma, we suggest a Transcendence Breathwork Session.
Trauma - long-held in the memory banks of our mind, makes us physically stressed, then sick and depressed. We hold our breath from the traumatic fear and pain limiting our breath, our very life-force of critical oxygen. We suffer more than 60 or more stress-related cellular malfunctions.
Trauma is the symptom of racism, prejudice and inequality. And they all are part of a deeper system that divides the halves from the half-nots. This division goes across color lines and regional boundaries.
I work with a modality called Breathology and I.m. the founder of Optimum Life Breathology- the art and science of breath awareness, breath mechanics, and effective breath techniques that impact Spirit, Mind and Body. It helped me heal from my long-held trauma of childhood verbal, emotional and sexual abuse. I have studied the breath now for over 40 years and have facilitated this tool to help millions on radio, t.v., print and on stage. I have also worked as a community organizer and social service professional for close to that same number of years
The "Breath" changed my "lens" as a survivor of abuse, then addiction, domestic violence, the violent death of my teen-age son, and ill-health related, early deaths of my first husband -a veteran of Vietnam, his mother and father - all within a month apart from each other and ultimately homelessness from my home being stolen from greedy real-estate grabbers during probate proceedings.
From such experiences, I walk my talk as I truly know stress, trauma and systematic inequality. We have to clear the cellular memory of such trauma, so that the subconscious mind does not sabotage our conscious mind that initiates our surface actions.
Without such clearing, we speak and act one way, but we pull ourselves in a different direction, similiar to putting on brakes at the same time of accelerating a car. We get stuck going no-where. It's beyond frustrating.
I share this explanation to you, as I am reaching out to people of high awareness who desire change to ask them to help me institutionalize my training of other Breathologist so that we can help support a critical mass of people with this life-changing system. I have been blessed to certify over 100 Breathologists in 7 states, and this summer intend to increase this number triple fold.
I want to add another piece to the puzzle of stored trauma and this is racism and vicarious trauma, which is trauma that repeats itself when triggered by videos, stories and our own recollection.
What is happening in this country is not just what people feel now, but a pain deeper than an old scar that has never healed. Trauma, from racism, is that deep pain. It lodges in the amigalya of our brain which is the fear center and alters the brain's response to fear and charting new neuro- pathways or new behavior. It rears in our sub-conscious memory. It embraces a collective awareness across years and years, perhaps centuries. It comes to the surface of our conscious minds, in the way that we love ourselves, relate to each other, respect our communities and pursue our dreams with purpose without self-sabotage.
We can not dialogue away our issues with structural racism, as they wholistically run deep. We can, however, use the tool of the breath to change our very molecular, cellular structure to clean it up, purge it through and maintain this detoxed transformed mind now clearer to absorb new hope, peace, self-love and self-determination. We can shift the narrative, by stopping the talk that re-triggers us. It is time that we take a new approach and really change our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotions, by breathing through our "stuff", un-stuffing it and releasing it. This is my vision for a "breath movement" and a new world.
P.E.W. offers Transcendence Breathwork for individuals, and small groups over the Internet, and it is the foundation for our course, Breath Circles to Heal the Divides.