Facilitated breath therapy sessions of intense, conscious-connected breathing to access the deep subconscious, emotional body which increases the life force (chi) energy by releasing old patterns, clearing cellular memory, and unlocking blocked energy for deep healing. Often life changing, a recommended Three sessions, include cartharting, Reiki, healing touch, Aroma Therapy, toning, movement, charka balancing, life coaching, stress busters and wellness principles of PositivEnergy™. A perfect compliment to increase effectiveness of other therapies.
Recommended 3 sessions. $150.00 per each session. Advance payment saves $50.
.All applied breathology/breathwork techniques, coaching and transformative practices to make life style changes, help heal on the subconscious level. It's been observed that 45 minutes of this modality, is equal to 2 1/2 years of talk therapy. Sessions conducted via one-on-one sessions in person, over the phone or Internet. Can also be facilitated in small groups of 4 to 30 for best results. Recommend minimal 3 - 12 sessions. Sessions available by pre-appointment.
Our Sessions/Trainings Manage Stress, Heal the Wounds, Transform the Trauma, and Returns one to Wholeness and Joy
We are now offering transformation support for people experiencing imbalances due to some underlying trauma. The imbalance may be called many various names but their common root is "trauma - some situation that overwhelms the normal ability to cope." Based on Sekou Ayo Handy-Kendi 's years of professional and personal experience with transformative breath techniques, she developed Transcendence Breathwork (TBW) as a facilitated and self-care technique for healing the deep wounds of trauma. Breathwork helped her heal from child-hood sexual and emotional abuse; the death of her 17 year old son; the loss of her home and homelessness; domestic violence; and substance abuse addiction.
What about you....what are you dealing with?
We are now offering transformation support for people experiencing imbalances due to some underlying trauma. The imbalance may be called many various names but their common root is "trauma - some situation that overwhelms the normal ability to cope." Based on Sekou Ayo Handy-Kendi 's years of professional and personal experience with transformative breath techniques, she developed Transcendence Breathwork (TBW) as a facilitated and self-care technique for healing the deep wounds of trauma. Breathwork helped her heal from child-hood sexual and emotional abuse; the death of her 17 year old son; the loss of her home and homelessness; domestic violence; and substance abuse addiction.
What about you....what are you dealing with?
- Do you feel STUCK AND STAGNATED dealing with Emotional Pain; Addictions(to food, substances, drugs, sex, gambling, etc.); Fear/Anxiety; PanicViolence/Anger; Depression; PTSD; Grief/Loss; Abuse; Physical Illness?
- Is it difficult for you to enjoy sexual relations or have a close relationship with another?
- Do you feel super-sensitive, reactive, and really "blue" around certain times of the year or seasons or around certain memories or occassions?
- Do you ever seem to self-sabotage your success by bringing your own progress to a halt or allowing major distractions?
- Are you overly critical of yourself, filled with self-doubt to the point of inactivity?
- Are you over-whelmed, burned-out, confused and at times ready to give up?
- Do you have a physical illness that is taking a really long time to heal?
- Are you dealing with an issue presently but can't figure out it's root cause ? Could you be dealing with repressed or stuffed trauma stored in the sub-conscious; or could you be dealing with generational, ancestral trauma, past life or cellular memory?
- Do you feel like something is BLOCKING YOU from being the best YOU?
4 Modular Process developed by Ayo Handy-Kendi, The Breath Sekou
Starter Sessions 1,2,3: Destress, Rebalance, Open Chakras
Inner Child Sessions 4,5,6,: Identify areas of childhood blockages
Focus on Healing the Feelings, Sessions 7,8,9: Deep dives into specific ages or areas of unresolved trauma
Return to the Womb to Start Again Sessions 10, 11, 12: Preparation for a "rebirthing" in which one revisits a safer and more sane, less traumatic birthing experience. like being born again, with an easy first breath makes new pathways to breathe with freedom, today.
4 Modular Process developed by Ayo Handy-Kendi, The Breath Sekou
Starter Sessions 1,2,3: Destress, Rebalance, Open Chakras
Inner Child Sessions 4,5,6,: Identify areas of childhood blockages
Focus on Healing the Feelings, Sessions 7,8,9: Deep dives into specific ages or areas of unresolved trauma
Return to the Womb to Start Again Sessions 10, 11, 12: Preparation for a "rebirthing" in which one revisits a safer and more sane, less traumatic birthing experience. like being born again, with an easy first breath makes new pathways to breathe with freedom, today.