"Good Day" is the greeting John taught me and this became "our" daily acknowledgement for a new day. He also would greet me with "Happy Black Love Day", so I.m. using both these greetings, as I speak to you, while remembering him. Some of you may already know of John's transition on Sunday, April 10, while for others, this may be the first time that you have heard. This is perhaps, one of the hardest announcement that I have had to make. I.m. so apologetic to announce it via email, but his passing was not expected, and it has taken me this amount of time to process it, and plan a ceremony fitting for the extraordinary person that he "is". John practiced his spiritual walk in many ways and he was truly a non-traditional person, whose unique life was filled with creativity, and never dull. I.m. so grateful that we had 22 years of marriage, partnership and community-building together. Many of you have been a part of our life in some special way. John and I have been on a healing journey, since 2018, and I believe, in the week of April 5- 10, 2022, he made a conscious decision to go "home" by stopping many of the healing protocols we had been successfully using. "He did it his way", and passed away suddenly, at our home. It has been hard to process, however, I.m. grateful that he is now an Ancestor, free of ill-health and the many aspects that healing, brings into your life. Doctors, hospitals, lab tests, surgery and discomfort, were extremely difficult for him, as he had not had to deal with these things, most of his very healthy life. John was quite a private person, so now, he is free. Knowing, so many people, it has been overwhelming to individually reach out to everyone, which is what I attempted to do, at first. I affirm that you will understand, why eventually, I had to email the announcement and then go to social media.
Processing the passing of a loved one is not easy. You end up dealing with other people's emotions, who are still grieving, so it.s challenging to get to your own grief as you share your story. There has also been an outpouring of support, and while grateful, it's just a lot of energy that you have to absorb. Thank Allah, for the breath, as I.m. truly breathing through this time, and it has helped me sooooo much. I again thank everyone, for their kind words and sincere gestures. I.ve heard the statement over and over, "sorry for your loss", so I.ve replied, "John is not lost, really he is quite present in Spirit now, and my newest Ancestor". I.m. grateful that he is free of his "worn" body and my Angel in life, is now my Angel on high. One day at a time, we are ascending higher. Always sending you our Black Love. Ase
5/3/2022 11:40:02 pm
I am so saddened by the news of John's passing away.
5/4/2022 11:11:01 am
Sister Ayo & Brother John, Thank you is not enough to say. Just words will not convey my gratitude for you and who you are as light bearers for our people, our community. Many have spoken of the works of the ancestors how they guide us and comfort us and strengthen us and I trust that. I trust that because they lead me to you many years ago at a health fair where you touched me and told me to breathe deep. We struck up a friendship and little did I know you would become part of my spiritual DNA. You dear Sis Ayo & Bro John are part of me, part of my breath, part of my heart, part of my song. You are part of the great river that flows and carries us and teaches us and strengthens us and gives comfort to us. May you find your comfort Sister Ayo as you allow moments of human grief. It's okay. May you find strength Brother John as you are given your ancestral assignment to continue to write music and wisdom on our hearts. So when I breath deep and touch the core of my being, I find beauty, peace and music in the breath and in my DNA. I smile back at my friend and thank you for meeting me on my path. Deep Bow. Ase. Prana Sakinah Ka
Lyn Ford
5/20/2022 12:09:52 pm
Sister in Spirit, I had no idea what was happening in your life. You have always been such an uplifting and joyful being. May the love you still know continue to lift you up. Holding you gently in my heart.
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Ayo Handy-Kendi is reknown as the Breath Sekou, which means in the Guinea language "a master teacher". She has worked with breath techniques for over 50 years and loves teaching "the power of the breath". She has created a system called Optimum Life Breathology (O.L.B.) which teaches 12 common breath techniques with 4 breath practices. As a Wholistic Practitioner she incorporates sound healing, laughter yoga, Reiki, healing touch, movement, behavior modification and stress management and oxygen concepts, such as water hydrotherapy, Aroma-therapy, nutrition, into her trainings.She is creating a "breath movement" to wake people up to their joy and positivenergy with the belief that when you breathe better, you live better. She is also known as Mama Ayo, when sharing cultural presentations or performing as a storyteller, actor, author or speaker. She is the founder of Black Love Day, Feb. 13, the Ritual of Reconciliation, founder/director, African American Holiday Association (AAHA) and founder/CEO, PositivEnergyWorks.
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