Springtime is here and it's time to breathe and rejuvenate after the cold, harsh winter days. Time to honor the earth, the air, and all of nature. After the Spring Equinox, we are blessed to see "mother nature" returning in all it's glory. We honor two commemorative events for April. World Breathing Day, April 11 and Earth Day, April 22, As a person, who has honored the 'breath" for over 50 years, I.m. truly excited about World Breathing Day and because of it's symbolism, I.m. proud to be serving again, on the World Breathing Day Working Group of the sponsored organization, International Breath Foundation (IBF). This is my 3rd year of being involved and as a person of color, I encourage us all to celebrate this day, because the stakes are high, Although the year 2020 is behind us, in 2021 the COVID pandemic rages on, still putting a spotlight on breathing and breathing related issues - lung health, immunity, emotional/mental health and wellness. For People of Color (P.O.C.) who have died more and gotten sicker during this pandemic, it is a sad reality, but we as a community have long shown disparities of ill health in these concerns. Years of health data shows we live sicker and die sooner than our white counterparts. We live near Cancer Alleys, near toxic waste dumps and in food desserts, limiting our choices of sustaining air and environmental nourishment. Marginalization keeps us in the feeling of “I can’t breathe” and Racism keeps us traumatized. I believe that People of Color (P.O.C.’s) share the root challenges of “inequality” in so many areas of our lives that it affects our emotional stress moment to moment, which affects physical health. We manage our stressors by holding our breath excessively or over-breathing. Years of chronic stress in our lives, creates years of inefficient breath patterns that put our bodies at great risks to 60 or more stress related, oxygen deprivation imbalances. And while we all say, we breathe, 9 of 10 Americans, breathe inefficiently. Most of us take the fundamental, daily breath for granted. Many can benefit from more oxygen and carbon dioxide release to maximize life, health and longevity. As a wholistic practitioner and certified breathologitst, who has worked with the study of breath, culture and community for over 50 years, and who has served on the working group for World Breathing Day for 3 years, now, I am sharing with you the good news” about better breathing and the power of the breath. This tool was life-changing for me and will be for you too. On April 11th, IBF and its’ global affiliates will be celebrate the 3rd annual World Breathing Day (WBD). "World Breathing Day is an annual global event instigated by the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) that invites everyone to remember, experience and celebrate the healing and unifying power of breath" The purpose of WBD is to spread the importance of breathing for all humanity and for the planet Because we all breathe, we all breathe the same air, WBD reminds us of the vital importance of clean air and of a clean and healthy environment for present and future generations" The WBD slogan is "One breath, One World" In this 17thh year of fostering breath awareness and practice through the recognition of World Breathing Day (WBD) IBF is calling on you to JUST PAUSE THAT DAY AND BREATHE. Rejuvenate this day for the long spring and summer ahead and just because YOU CAN!!! Here are some other things you can do in support of this special, inspiring day: 1. Invite your constituents, your audiences, or your listserv attendees to recognize WBD and to take part in it, in any way possible; 2. Share IBF promotional materials (press release and WBD logo}, which are indicated . And you can customize this invite; 3. Invite viewership and engagement to IBF’s 24-hour international WBD event taking place on April 11th. 4. Make your own 30 second, WBD videos, written promotions or artistic expressions that address the critical importance of better breathing (please attach the IBF WBD logo to it as you share it) ; 5. Send IBF documentation of your WBD videos, pictures, testimonies, etc. and they will be posted on our website for sharing the excitement that WBD generates; 6. Be creative in using WBD as an opportunity to change people’s lives as we help them change their breathing. SAY YES TO THIS INVITATION to celebrate the spring by joining in the celebration on WBD, April 11, so you can help change many outcomes. in your life and in others.
To participate in the free 24-hour online World Breathing Day event, sign up at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/world-breathing-day-tickets-144437316903 View speakers and schedule information: https://ibfbreathwork.org/world-breathing-day-april-11-events/ Join us on facebook for the lastest updates: www.facebook.com/groups/worldbreathingday For additional information, contact the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). Contact: worldbreathingday.earth - [email protected] From our conscious breath to yours, Ayo Handy-Kendi, The Breath Sekou, IBF & World Breathing Day Group Member, CEO, PositivEnergyWorks, founder, Black Love Day, Feb. 13. YOU ARE INVITED ON WORLD BREATHING DAY, APRIL 11 to stop by our website, www.PositivEnergyWorks.com for several new “relearn how to breathe” videos, and tutorials
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Ayo Handy-Kendi is reknown as the Breath Sekou, which means in the Guinea language "a master teacher". She has worked with breath techniques for over 50 years and loves teaching "the power of the breath". She has created a system called Optimum Life Breathology (O.L.B.) which teaches 12 common breath techniques with 4 breath practices. As a Wholistic Practitioner she incorporates sound healing, laughter yoga, Reiki, healing touch, movement, behavior modification and stress management and oxygen concepts, such as water hydrotherapy, Aroma-therapy, nutrition, into her trainings.She is creating a "breath movement" to wake people up to their joy and positivenergy with the belief that when you breathe better, you live better. She is also known as Mama Ayo, when sharing cultural presentations or performing as a storyteller, actor, author or speaker. She is the founder of Black Love Day, Feb. 13, the Ritual of Reconciliation, founder/director, African American Holiday Association (AAHA) and founder/CEO, PositivEnergyWorks.
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